Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 16: Target

Today I am thankful for Target, aka my Vacation Home.  I love Target.  What's not to love about Target?  You can get everything there! Food, books, movies, bicycles, toys, toiletries, diapers, prescriptions, dishes, small appliances, garden tools.  It's an amazing place! I could spend hours there every day.

Ahhh, Target.  Thank you for being you!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 15: Sunshine

Today we went to the park to play, and I realized how thankful I am for sunshine.  Especially this time of year, when the sun starts shining at 6:30 am and doesn't stop until after 9:00pm- that's quite a bit of sunshine, vitamin D, and happiness!

Thanks, God, for the sunshine!

Day 14: Three-Year-Old Soccer

Ben had his first soccer game today, and it was absolutely hilarious to watch.  Between the kids just all kind of congregating around the ball and kicking each others' shins, and the few who were just picking up grass and throwing it, and my own child who was pretending to trip and just throwing himself on the ground periodically, there was no shortage of laughter from the sidelines!

I'm thankful for three year old preschool not only for the great laughs I got from it (and trust me, the laughs were GREAT), but also for the confidence it has given Ben.  I'm not sure he understands the whole "teamwork" idea, but he is getting lots of interaction with other kids, and is having an absolute blast on the field.  That's all a mama can ask for.

Thank you, three-year-old soccer!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 13: My House

As I sit here, listening to the storm that is raging outside, I am thinking about how thankful I am for my house.  I am very lucky to have a strong house, with four walls and a roof, to protect me from the worst of what nature has to offer.  There are so many people in this world who are not fortunate enough to have a home to run inside when the weather turns rough.

Today, I am thankful for my house.

Day 12: Hy-Vee

About nine months ago, a friend of mine came to me with a job opportunity.  It sounded almost too good to be true: I'd work from home on the weekends, every other weekend, for  Hy-Vee (a regional grocery store chain) in the fuel department.  I'd pretty much make sure their gas stations had enough gas in them. What a perfect job for a stay at home  mom!  I went for the interview, not expecting too much.  The next day I got a call: I'd gotten the job!

Today I'm thankful for my job at Hy-Vee.  Every weekend that I work, I roll out of bed, make a cup of coffee, and head down to my basement office in my pajamas.  I work for a couple of hours, come back up to spend time with my family, and head back down a few other times in the day.  Perfect!  Thank you, Hy-Vee, for giving my family a bit of extra spending money and for helping me feel like more than just a mom!

Day 11: My Marriage

*Note: I realize I missed a few days.  I'll catch up now :)

On June 24, 2006, I married this guy:

Today, five years later, I am thankful for my marriage (I was already thankful for Scott on Father's Day).  Over the last five years, Scott and I have had quite the journey: we moved from Florida to Iowa, got married in Michigan, bought a house, had a baby, changed jobs (both of us), had a baby, considered moving (a few times).  And through it all, we've managed to stay as much in love as we were the day we got married.  I realize we're still relatively new at this marriage thing, but I know that in fifty years we'll still be sitting on the couch holding hands and telling each other we love each other all day long. 

I am so thankful that God has given me a partner to spend the rest of my life with, who loves me unconditionally and works hard to provide for me and our family.   I'm thankful I was given a man of integrity and character, who is honest and caring and gentle and loving.  I'm thankful that I don't have to go through life alone, and for the two beautiful children our marriage has produced.

I am thankful for my marriage.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 10: Seeds

Today I am thankful for having had the opportunity to plant seeds that will one day grow into food that I can use to feed my family.

After quiet time today, Ben and I went outside to (finally) plant two bean varieties and some carrots.  We had already purchased at the Farmer's Market a tomato plant and a bell pepper plant as well.  By Fall, we will  have (hopefully) a nice little container garden full of vegetables!  I can't wait to harvest with Ben; I think he'll be quite excited!